Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Computer Career Institute Scam

Yesterday I received an email about Computer Career Institute (CCI). I was first taken to www.wrwdtvreporter.com and then to www.ccicourse.com. BEWARE! The report that you see from the Better Business Bureau is not their report. It belongs to a real school by that name that offers no online programs. It is only campus based. If you call the number on the BBB report you will find that out. The real college says that they do not know how they got linked to those sites above. The fake CCI is making false, outrageous claims that they guarantee you a job with a Fortune 500 company 3 days after completing a six hour training. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!


V M said...

We did buy into the CCI course and we have posted our findings on our blog. We are giving a full description of what exactly they teach - please view the information here: http://computercareerinstitutescam.blogspot.com

datarec said...

I wish I had seen your post. I lost $249.00 to the fake CCI. I thought all the Computer Career Institute's were the same. They advertise a job placement service. HA! I'm still waiting for a job and my money back!! I hope other people see this and don't get scammed!!!

Fmo said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. Too late for me as I really believed in this program and lost $249!!! I think its a good idea to continue to create blogs to talk about this scam and help others people like me that were looking for income from home.

infoqueen said...

Wow, I feel really embarrassed that i too fell for this scam. I really believed that this would work. Well, i have to look at the bright side...it inspired me to really learn about web promoting. I just think they really overcharged for those lessons. It should have been a dollar a lesson, if that. I really don't want to tell my husband that was scammed...it is really hurtful to play on someone's naievity.

Bob said...

Chalk me up as another sucker. I also thought CCI was the reputed school that so many of us have heard about. Oh man now I have to tell my wife that I just sent $250.00 down the drain. Oh well live and learn right?